Thursday 30 January 2014

(STINCS) Title sequence analysis

Setting- Through the title sequence you can see the show is set in modern times, since there are silhouettes of modern cars, helicopters and guns. The style is similar Saul Bass, since there is a lot of silhouetted people and objects in the sequence.

Theme- The mood shows that it is a lighthearted action comedy show, you can tell this by the music playing in the background, how it is not depressing or serious, but is very up-beat and cheerful. From what the silhouetted man is doing, you can also tell it is not serious, since it starts off, by coming out of a mans nose.

Iconography- The costume shown at the start of the sequence reveals the main character and shows you what type of job he has, he is wearing a white shirt with a tie and name badge with a bunch of pens in his pocket. This costume is usually used for working in a shop as people would need to know your name. The guns used in the sequence help shows that it is action, the other props used such as binoculars and a helicopter, it shows that the show is about spies. At the end of it you see a laptop which could be significant since it will be the last thing you see. Also a laptop can be used for hacking which is needed in a spy mission.

Narrative- The story of the show is about someone who gets lots of information stuck in his head by accidentally watching something he shouldn't have, then gets forced to join a spy organisation, since he is the only one who has the information.

Characters- In the title sequence, you can see what the main character looks like by the picture it shows on his name tag, the attire he is wearing shows the kind of job he has, meaning that he is not a well paid man. The way he dresses could also show that he can been seen as a nerd. Throughout the title sequence you can only see the other characters faces, but with what else happens shows what kind of personality they have. When the woman's face comes up the screen turns red to resemble blood, this could show that she is a very violent person. Also at another point when the binoculars go on a man you see a helicopter in a a background which could show that he very destructive.

Style- The style of the title sequence, shows that the show is about spies, you can tell this by what is being shown on screen, for instance a gun and you see through its barrel, which is a rip-off of James Bond. The other things seen is a small car which is used for people to go out and help people with there problems.

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