Monday 20 January 2014

Media Lesson 2

This week in our media lesson, we did another powerpoint presentation on Richard Morisson who creates title sequences for films. We included the films he has made titles for, information about his life, then we described two title sequences for films he made.

Analysis of Anatomy of a murder (1959) 


The colours used in this title sequence are black, white and grey. The grey in the title sequence can mean many different things in a film, it could mean that the film is either very depressing or dull. It could also mean that the film is a very dark one which would be backed up by the title which has the word 'Murder' in it. From what you see in the title is very similar to work that he usually does, he has a silhouette to move around the screen, this is there to represent a crime scene, he gets it to move around so that he can have the titles in different parts of the body.


The music used in this title sequence is very mysterious yet cheerful feel to it, this creates the effect the film will be a light-hearted crime thriller, condescending what I said early about the film being dark due to the colours. The body parts move around the screen to show the different people who have created the film, they mainly used the arms, in a few shots the arms came on screen and wiped away some titles to reveal some more.

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